Just a quick run down on how Sydney Extinguisher carry’s out our yearly fire door and smoke alarm bookings in Sydney.


Seven (7) days prior – you or the strata manager sends out a letterbox drop to inform all of the residents/owners that in 7 days Sydney Extinguishers will be onsite from the designated hours E.g. 7-11am on the date of the –/–/—-


You also place a copy in the main foyer areas and lifts IF applicable as this attracts the attention of residents making them aware of the yearly door bookings. This way no one has an excuse that they did not get the information and we are not continuously abused while onsite for NOT letting them know. The more people the know the better as we wont have to return for second follow up tests saving you the client money.


We do NOT put a contact number on there for the simple fact that IF they need to get to work early they can find us in the main foyer area from 6:50am-7am.


As we have door bookings 5 days per week with approx 50 + units each week to inspect I would be inundated with calls which would result in the same strike rate/result as not taking bookings but the price would go up as I would need a full-time PA to take all of the calls. We have trialed both theories and we get almost the same strike rate as taking calls so its just not worth it for you and us.


Each Unit inspection takes about 5-10mins. (not including repairs) All repairs if they cannot be fixed there and then will be quoted for another day. The fire doors are checked for compliant gaps, closer’s are fitted, hinge sets are sprayed and cleaned and a visual inspection is completed to ensure there are NO deadbolts and all hardware fitted complies with AS1905.1.


Smoke alarms are sprayed with canned smoke and the 9v batteries are replaced if they have failed or they have been removed by the tenant. Smoke alarms should be located on every level outside the sleeping quarters and tested every 12 months


Sydney Extinguishers needs to enter at least 75% of units to ensure they PASS.


Let Sydney Extinguishers make your yearly nightmare a breeze. Sydney Extinguishers loves annual fire door and smoke alarm testing!! Call us today for a quote on your Sydney Annual Fire Safety Inspections.