Sydney Extinguishers knows small businesses need to have plans and procedures to prevent fires and to help their business recover should an unforeseen emergency occur. Below are a few things you should consider when taking on this task;
Is your small business located in Sydney and is it fire safe?
Sydney Extinguishers recommends this checklist to assist your small business in preventing damage that could be caused by fire:
- House keeping, make sure all machinery is serviced as recommended by manufacturers and is kept clean. If possible, switch machinery off when the business is unattended or not used.
- Avoid storing or stockpiling flammable materials such as packaging materials (paper/cardboard) or waste where they could be accessed by the public, including areas immediately outside your business premises.
- Secure all doors, windows or other access points when the business is unattended, and make sure your business has adequate lighting to deter trespassers.
- Ensure your business has an adequately serviced and functional fire equipment that is suitable to your small business eg: Fire Extinguishers, Fire blankets, Emergency & exit lighting, sprinkler systems, thermal or smoke alarms etc.
- If your business stores dangerous goods, ensure their storage and use adheres to legislative requirements.
- Make sure your business has a written and practised fire EVAC escape plan that includes full staff lists and designated meeting points to a safe area nearby.
Damage reduction and disaster recovery checklist
Sydney Extinguishers recommend this checklist to assist your small business to reduce damage caused from fire and to assist in a speedy business recovery:
- Ensure that all of your staff has sufficient training in what they should do if your small business is exposed to an unexpected fire.
- Depending on your business this will mean at least knowing your evacuation point and the need to dial Triple Zero (000).
- Make sure you know what information is important for your business continuity. This should include having contingency plans to protect and/or restore all important information (hard copy & IT) like supplier and client lists, business contracts and insurance details.
- Consider having an off site secure location to store important information in your contingency plan.
- Complete you Annual Fire Safety Statements to ensure your building is fire safety compliant.
Small business fire safety tips
- Remember that smoke from a fire will make you confused and that you cannot see in smoke.
- Always ensure your business has sufficient fire insurance.
- If you feel your staff require training contact us.
- Contact us today at Sydney Extinguishers to ensure Annual Fire Safety Statements is done correctly.